Welcome! My name is Valerie. I am a worship leader and a pastor. I live in the Pacific Northwest, on Whidbey Island (you have to take a ferry to get here!), near Seattle, Washington with my husband and 4 children. We have a small farm with 41 chickens and 4 horses, and 1 dog. Here, I invite you to grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair. I want to invite you to a conversation about all generations worshiping together.
My background: I have a doctorate in the theology of worship from the Robert Webber Institute of Worship. Prior, I served as a trained musician and worship leader in the church, with a Master’s in Performance (Piano). I am a pianist, vocalist, choir director, and music/piano teacher. I also have an MDiv from Seattle Pacific Seminary. I am passionate about worship renewal in the church. I have served as a worship pastor in various denominations and locations, leading worship in a variety of musical and liturgical styles, in both large and small churches. I enjoy researching and writing about intergenerational and intercultural worship. I also serve as Chair of an organization called InterGenerate, whose mission is to bring the generations of the church together.
My mission: I believe that all generations should be worshiping together - not just existing in the same room, but truly worshiping together. We find this model of worship in Scripture and in the mission and outpouring love of the triune God. Unfortunately, “all ages worship together” is not the norm in many faith communities. Instead, we see age segregation, or worship centered on one generation, while excluding others. This is why I believe I am called to facilitate conversations, helping faith communities discover God’s design for all ages worshiping together.
So, will you join me in the conversation, the mission—to bring all generations of the church together?
Valerie is available to speak, lead workshops, consult, coach, and mentor others seeking to facilitate all ages worshiping together.
Contact Valerie for more info.